Video Lesson One

Welcome to the Natural Singer Video Lessons. In these personal demonstrations, I show you how to grow your voice faster and more beautifully. You’ll save time and energy, and develop the best sounding voice you can. And best of all, you’ll want to practice more because you’ll love what you hear.

The videos includes demonstrations of exercises in your first course, but they also contain dozens of exciting new tips and additional techniques. Drawing thousands of private coaching sessions, I explain in simple terms how to get the most out of different exercises. I show you the best way to do them, and even more importantly; I coach you on what to watch out for. I’ll also show you many great hidden benefits, and you’ll hear a difference immediately.

I film in my Woodstock studio, and it’s the closest thing possible to having private lessons with me in your own home. You’ll receive a new video via email link every other week for a year. You’ll get a password and be able to revisit them whenever you like.

The cost for 26 videos is 75.00 – less than 3 dollars each! After subscribing, you’ll receive your second companion video in two weeks.