Natural Singing
Natural Singing
In the Natural Singer Workshop failure is off the table. Along with basic skills, we uncover core messages, emotions and the ability to connect deeply with others. Using fun warmups we learn to sing from the diaphragm, improve our tone, and build confidence. Then, as we explore personal lyrical themes and improvise with them, we align left brain and right brain – our thoughts and our hearts. We light a fire with our inner messages and leave our fears behind.
The results are striking and build a remarkable sense of community with breakthroughs that go far beyond singing. The inability to speak up fully and “sing out” is deeply linked to some of our most challenging core issues. We triumph as our inner message and authentic presence emerge. We become more articulate, creative, and spontaneous. The more comfortable we are at being our true selves, the richer the content and the better the sound.
We use popular songs to integrate and dignify our light and our dark sides, our joy and our blues. We explore rhythms and improvisation. And as we sing our inner truths we are emotional, vulnerable and powerful. Our messages are energized in song, and we create a more beautiful sound. Therein lies the magic. Expressive arts are deeply influential when we are authentically and passionately ourselves. As we practice our exercises embracing our vulnerability and sing despite our imperfections and fears, we can hit the notes better and inspire others with our personal song.
This is the transformative power of fearless, natural singing. It’s your voice—the instrument with which you were born that connects your psyche, your spirit, your heart and your body. It’s your right, your treasure, and a direct access point to the beauty of your soul.