Kripalu Natural Singers 1-2014

Stay With Me – Click Here for the Natural Singer II

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Songs From the Workshop

  • It’s In Every One of Us
    [wpdm_file id=9]
  • It’s in every one of us to be wise
    Find your heart, open up both your eyes
    We can all know everything without every knowing why
    It’s in every one of us, by and by

  • How Could Anyone Ever Tell You[wpdm_file id=7]
  • How could anyone ever tell you – you were anything less than beautiful?
    How could anyone ever tell you – you were less than whole?
    How could anyone fail to notice that your loving (singing) is a miracle
    How deeply you’re connected to my soul

  • Amazing Grace[wpdm_file id=12]
  • Amazing grace how sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch (soul) like me
    I once was lost but now I’m found
    Was blind but now I see